کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
5866942 مناقصه Risk Financing and Insurance Solutions for Coastal Resilience کشور بنگلادش، کشور پاکستان، کشور سریلانکا ... 1401/08/05 رجوع به آگهی
5814366 مناقصه Building Coastal Resilience through Nature-Based and Integrated Solutions - Risk Financing and Insurance Solutions for Coastal Resilience کشور بنگلادش 1401/07/28 رجوع به آگهی
4341214 مناقصه Supporting Bangladesh's National COVID-19 Vaccination Program کشور بنگلادش 1400/06/31 رجوع به آگهی
4001951 مناقصه Quality Jobs and the Future of Work - Consulting Firm کشور بنگلادش 1400/03/30 رجوع به آگهی
3900062 مناقصه Data Analytics for Assessing SASEC Logistics Movement کشور بنگلادش 1400/03/03 رجوع به آگهی
3269658 مناقصه Construction of 1 no. Sanitary Landfill of 22,986 Sqm and 1 no. Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) کشور بنگلادش 1399/07/12 رجوع به آگهی
2926980 مناقصه Selection Title Investing in Climate Change Adaptation Through Agro Ecological Landscape Restoration کشور بنگلادش، کشور کامبوج 1399/04/14 رجوع به آگهی
2815029 مناقصه Policy and Technology Assessment of National Health Insurance Information Systems کشور ازبکستان، کشور افغانستان، کشور بنگلادش ... 1399/02/24 رجوع به آگهی
1833887 مناقصه Strengthening Knowledge and Actions for Air Quality Improvement کشور بنگلادش 1397/12/21 1398/01/06
1639845 مناقصه Construction of Bus Terminal (2 Storied Terminal Building with 3 Storied Foundation) کشور بنگلادش 1397/08/28 1397/09/07
1639168 مناقصه 800Megawatt Combined Cycle Power Plant Project کشور بنگلادش 1397/08/27 1397/09/13
1632246 مناقصه Consultants for Strengthening Municipal Financial Management (SMFM) Program of NCC Component کشور بنگلادش 1397/08/22 1397/09/06
1617076 مناقصه Strengthening Knowledge and Actions for Air Quality Improvement1 کشور بنگلادش 1397/08/12 1397/08/23
1616532 مناقصه Bangladesh Power System Enhancement and Efficiency Improvement Project کشور بنگلادش 1397/08/10 1397/09/06
1616529 مناقصه Bangladesh Power System Enhancement and Efficiency Improvement Project کشور بنگلادش 1397/08/10 1397/09/06
1612764 مناقصه Capacity Development for Renewable Energy Investment Programming and Implementation کشور بنگلادش 1397/08/07 1397/08/18
1612252 مناقصه Development for Renewable Energy Investment Programming and Implementation - 1 Solar PV Power Investment Plan کشور بنگلادش 1397/08/07 رجوع به آگهی
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