کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
1886700 مناقصه Supply (200 Tons) POLYVINYL ACETAL ENAMELED OR POLYVINYL FORMAL ROUND COOPER WINDING WIRE(2.5)mm کشور عراق 1398/01/26 1398/02/24
1886698 مناقصه Supplying (Pressboard, Insulating paper and Wooden spacers) for distribution and power transformers factories کشور عراق 1398/01/26 1398/03/05
1847625 مناقصه Supplying 2000 Pieces Wound Core for 400lll distribution transformer کشور عراق 1397/12/23 1398/01/19
1847623 مناقصه Supplying 500 Set Dried Complete Coil (L.V+ H.V) Winding for 400KVA/11KV with code No. C.C.W.400 for distribution transformer کشور عراق 1397/12/23 1398/01/20
1834333 مناقصه Supplying 1000 Ton Grain Oriented Silicon Steel with code no R001 for distribution and Power Transformers Factories کشور عراق 1397/12/21 1398/01/18
1774713 مناقصه Supplying (Hot rolled steel sheets different measures) for distribution and power factories کشور بنگلادش 1397/11/16 1397/12/13
1773830 مناقصه Supplying (High Voltage bushing assembly with arcing Horn and Low voltage bushing assembly(11/0.416)KV for 400/11 distribution transformers کشور عراق 1397/11/16 1397/12/21
1755628 مناقصه Supplying (S.K.D) parts for brand new advanced electric meters (single phase&three phases) کشور عراق 1397/11/06 1397/12/07
1749509 مناقصه Supply (200 Tons copper strip in coil with rounded edge R144/B for distribution factory کشور عراق 1397/11/01 1397/12/06
1740837 مناقصه Supplying 750 Ton Cold Rolled Carbon Steel Strip with code No. R004/B کشور عراق 1397/10/25 1397/11/23
1740836 مناقصه Supply of (Insulating paper and wooden parts) کشور عراق 1397/10/25 1397/11/22
1690936 مناقصه Supplying (S.K.D) parts for brand new advanced electric meters (single phase&three phases) کشور عراق 1397/09/28 1397/11/14
1678275 مناقصه Supply of ( 200 Tons Copper strip in coil with rounded edge Rl44/B for distribution transformers factory) کشور عراق 1397/09/21 1397/10/26
1665323 مناقصه Supplying Bushing Assembly for power transformers 31.5 MVA and 63MVA کشور عراق 1397/09/14 1397/10/05
1652811 مناقصه supplying ( Hot rolled steel shapes) for Distribution and power transformers factories کشور عراق 1397/09/06 1397/10/18
1639846 مناقصه Supplyirg ( Grain oriented silicon steel) کشور عراق 1397/08/28 1397/10/24
1637489 مناقصه Supply ( 150 Tons) POLYVINYL ACETAL ENAMELED OR POLYVINYL FORMAL ROUND COOPER WINDING WIRE کشور عراق 1397/08/26 1397/10/19
1634595 مناقصه Supply ( 150 Tons) POLYVINYL ACETAL ENAMELED OR POLYVINYL FORMAL ROI-]ND COOPER WINDING WIRE (2.5)mm with code number Rl62 /D for distribution transformers factory) کشور عراق 1397/08/24 1397/10/19
1629523 مناقصه Supply ( 150 Tons) POLYVINYL ACETAL ENAMELED OR POLyVINyL FORMAL ROUND COOPER WINDING WIRE (2)mm with code number Rl56 /D کشور عراق 1397/08/21 1397/10/12
1626101 مناقصه Supplying Bushing Assembly for power transformers 31.5 MVA and 63MVA کشور عراق 1397/08/19 1397/09/19
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