کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
1860025 مناقصه Design & supervision of infrastructure, environmental and social studies کشور مراکش 1397/12/25 1398/01/19
1860023 مناقصه Study and monitoring of infrastructure works ,Environment, Social and Gender Component کشور مراکش 1397/12/25 1398/01/19
1846661 مناقصه Lagoon Remediation Project - PHASE 1 - Feasibility Study, Technical and Functional Specifications, and Tender Support کشور اردن 1397/12/23 1398/01/14
1834920 مناقصه Water resources management and Agro-ecological Transition کشور کامبوج 1397/12/22 1398/01/15
1833887 مناقصه Strengthening Knowledge and Actions for Air Quality Improvement کشور بنگلادش 1397/12/21 1398/01/06
1833875 مناقصه Invitition Of Bids for Front End Collection And Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste کشور پاکستان 1397/12/21 1398/02/17
1828136 مناقصه Selection of Firm for preparation of Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) for Hydroelectric Project کشور نپال 1397/12/18 1397/12/29
1828134 مناقصه Selection of Firm for preparation of Supplemental Environmental and Social Documentation (SESD) کشور نپال 1397/12/18 1397/12/29
1825505 مناقصه Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant کشور گرجستان 1397/12/16 1398/01/28
1823994 مناقصه Supply Isotopes Ratio Mass Spectrometry System -IRMS In Rocks , Petrolum and Gas Device کشور عراق 1397/12/15 1397/12/27
1820644 مناقصه Waste management کشور عراق 1397/12/14 1397/12/23
1814247 مناقصه supply of stores/equipment/ services کشور پاکستان 1397/12/11 1398/01/22
1814242 مناقصه Service contract for a Waste Management services کشور نپال 1397/12/11 1397/12/24
1812049 مناقصه International Consultant on design/engineering solutions for low-carbon buildings کشور ازبکستان 1397/12/09 1397/12/22
1810762 مناقصه Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Transmission Upgrade کشور ازبکستان 1397/12/08 1397/12/28
1810669 مناقصه Climate Change and Disaster-Resilient Water Resources Sector Project کشور قرقیزستان 1397/12/08 1398/01/08
1810660 مناقصه Consultancy to develop an integrated Monitoring, Reporting and Verification systems and GHG emissions databases for energy and waste sectors کشور اوگاندا 1397/12/08 1397/12/24
1810658 مناقصه Consultant on financial structure of investments into low-carbon buildings کشور ازبکستان 1397/12/08 1397/12/21
1807333 مناقصه Provision of Providing Integrated Management Service کشور عراق 1397/12/07 1397/12/27
1805096 مناقصه Update of Urban Plan 2030 and Urban Planning Code کشور امارات 1397/12/06 1397/12/19
صفحه 37 از 41