کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
2021307 مناقصه Repair & painting of tank at Terminals - Replacing Damaged Concrete Posts In Boundary Fence کشور سریلانکا 1398/03/28 1398/04/11
2016984 مناقصه Supplying GLCC - Gas Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone کشور عراق 1398/03/27 1398/04/09
2015574 مناقصه REHABILITATION OF TANK کشور تانزانیا 1398/03/26 1398/04/24
1998977 مناقصه Design, Supply, Transportation, Fabrication, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Aluminum Internal Floating Roofs for Conversion of SKO Tanks to MS Tanks کشور نپال 1398/03/19 1398/04/31
1993884 مناقصه Repairs to Tank , Installation belongs to the Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals کشور سریلانکا 1398/03/13 1398/04/14
1982712 مناقصه Rim Seal Fire protection system for floating roof tank کشور عراق 1398/03/08 1398/04/24
1982210 مناقصه Provision of Storage Tank Renting Service for PTF کشور عراق 1398/03/08 1398/03/23
1979836 مناقصه Repairs to Tank کشور سریلانکا 1398/03/07 1398/04/14
1979774 مناقصه SUPPLYING TWO MOBILE TANK PROVER کشور عراق 1398/03/07 1398/04/25
1978767 مناقصه Supply Oil manifold & gas manifold for Well service کشور هند 1398/03/07 1398/03/27
1978283 مناقصه Renting Separator Skid for PTF of EBS Oilfield کشور عراق 1398/03/07 1398/03/12
1976077 مناقصه Supplying Modified Containers کشور عراق 1398/03/05 1398/03/20
1965458 مناقصه Engineering, Procurement & Construction for Flare System کشور عراق 1398/02/31 1398/03/09
1957104 مناقصه .FAST REACTOR FUEL CYCLE FACILITY : Supply, fabrication and fitting of glove box panels, interconnecting tunnels for integration of glove boxes , mounting of all accessories کشور هند 1398/02/28 1398/03/17
1942269 مناقصه Supply and installation of diesel tank کشور امارات 1398/02/21 1398/03/06
1934254 مناقصه Supplying GLCC(Gas Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone) کشور عراق 1398/02/16 1398/02/28
1934253 مناقصه Announcement for Provision of EPCC Service for Two sets of 1000m3 Oil Storage Tank for CPF Loading Station کشور عراق 1398/02/16 1398/02/25
1881678 مناقصه purchase of tanks for petroleum products کشور ترکمنستان 1398/01/24 1398/03/02
1870633 مناقصه Purchasing Fuel Tankers And Aerial Platform Truck کشور عراق 1398/01/18 1398/02/08
1865613 مناقصه Provision of Coiled Tubing and Nitrogen Lift Service کشور عراق 1398/01/05 1398/01/26
صفحه 17 از 18