کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
1807330 مناقصه Provision of Integral Drainage System for CPF Plant Project کشور عراق 1397/12/07 1398/01/17
1807264 مناقصه Annual contract for Operation and Comprehensive maintenance of MBBR based Sewage Treatment Plant-STP کشور هند 1397/12/07 1397/12/29
1807263 مناقصه ONEE Water Supply Project کشور مراکش 1397/12/07 1398/01/26
1803379 مناقصه MAINTENANCE WORKS AT DAM کشور عمان 1397/12/05 1398/01/06
1803376 مناقصه MAINTENANCE WORKS AT DAM کشور عمان 1397/12/05 1398/01/06
1801227 مناقصه Selection of Partner(s) for jointly addressing the Water and Wastewater projects کشور هند 1397/12/04 1397/12/23
1800344 مناقصه Solid Waste Communications Assistance کشور عراق 1397/12/04 1397/12/16
1800340 مناقصه Solid Waste Communications Assistance کشور عراق 1397/12/04 1397/12/16
1800338 مناقصه Solid Waste Communications Assistance کشور عراق 1397/12/04 1397/12/16
1798420 مناقصه Construction of Potable water and rain water drainage networks and organisation of a solid waste collection campaign کشور عراق 1397/12/02 1397/12/15
1797043 مناقصه Construction of Two Water Supply Network کشور عراق 1397/12/01 1397/12/07
1797034 مناقصه Water Supply Project کشور مراکش 1397/12/01 1398/01/13
1793825 مناقصه Procurement of Works for the rehabilitation of water supply system کشور قرقیزستان 1397/11/30 1398/01/20
1792251 مناقصه Transaction Advisory Services Wastewater Pumping Station and Wastewater Treatment Plant کشور موریس 1397/11/29 1397/12/09
1792151 مناقصه R&M OF SEWERAGE LINE TARBELA DAM PEOJECT کشور پاکستان 1397/11/29 1397/12/13
1791746 مناقصه Operation and Maintenance of Water Filtration Plants کشور پاکستان 1397/11/29 1397/12/23
1791743 مناقصه Integrated Scheme Mainly Comprising of Concrete Channel Lining Along with alied Structure کشور پاکستان 1397/11/29 1398/01/19
1791740 مناقصه Rest House and Construction of Flood Protection Wall کشور پاکستان 1397/11/29 1397/12/13
1791739 مناقصه Flood Irrigation Scheme کشور پاکستان 1397/11/29 1398/01/15
1791701 مناقصه Installation Electrical Network & Individual Water Points کشور عراق 1397/11/29 1397/12/05
صفحه 65 از 74