کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
8210375 مناقصه Rehabilitation and Restoration of Irrigation Scheme of Joy Baghal کشور افغانستان 1403/04/20 1403/05/02
7900303 مناقصه Irrigation Schemes Development, Agribusiness Development, Integrated Natural Resources Management, Project Management کشور اوگاندا 1403/02/09 رجوع به آگهی
7792495 مناقصه Provision of Services for Mechanized Cleaning of On-farm Collector and Drainage Networks کشور ترکمنستان 1402/12/29 رجوع به آگهی
7472687 مناقصه Rehabilitation for irrigation systems due to the earthquake کشور سوریه 1402/10/05 رجوع به آگهی
7464256 مناقصه Construction /Rehabilitation of Community based disaster risk reduction project کشور افغانستان 1402/10/03 رجوع به آگهی
7284642 مناقصه Rehabilitation for irrigation systems for the Northern Primary Irrigation canal (PN) and branch canals کشور سوریه 1402/08/17 رجوع به آگهی
7209685 مناقصه Improvement of Drainage Systems کشور عراق 1402/07/26 رجوع به آگهی
7092969 مناقصه Provision of a Complete Planting System - Trees - and the Installation of a Water Irrigation System کشور عراق 1402/07/05 رجوع به آگهی
6892701 مناقصه CONSTRUCTION OF RECHARGE DAM کشور عمان 1402/05/19 رجوع به آگهی
6690125 مناقصه Rehabilitation Of Sluice Gates And Regulators Of Ramadi Irrigation Project کشور عراق 1402/03/29 رجوع به آگهی
6502056 مناقصه Construction of Stone Masonry Side Drains in Districts # 1 & 10, Gravel Road in District # 5, in Mazar City (4 Lots) کشور افغانستان 1402/02/12 رجوع به آگهی
6477449 مناقصه Construction of Namalu Irrigation Scheme Infrastructure and Facilities کشور اوگاندا 1402/02/05 رجوع به آگهی
6477439 مناقصه Construction of Unyama Irrigation Scheme Infrastructure and Facilities کشور اوگاندا 1402/02/05 رجوع به آگهی
6471643 مناقصه Rehabilitation of irrigation schemes of canal کشور افغانستان 1402/02/04 رجوع به آگهی
6455648 مناقصه Rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation systems کشور سوریه 1402/01/28 رجوع به آگهی
6408417 مناقصه Rehabilitation and restoration of riverbank protection scheme of Naw Abad Khatayan کشور افغانستان 1402/01/10 رجوع به آگهی
6400029 مناقصه Rehab Irrigation-Drainage Pipeline کشور عراق 1401/12/28 رجوع به آگهی
6386679 مناقصه Provision of Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) of GIFT Integrated Drainage System کشور عراق 1401/12/22 رجوع به آگهی
6382672 مناقصه Rehabilitation of Gabari Irrigation Drain (L=200m) and Surkhqul Drain (L=220m) کشور افغانستان 1401/12/21 رجوع به آگهی
6382609 مناقصه Rehabilitation of Irrigation Drainage from 0+000 to 0+255 at Qalai Ghamai, in Gozar #4 and Leveling of Road Dashte Sherai Town from 0+000 to 0+700 کشور افغانستان 1401/12/21 رجوع به آگهی
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