کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
5664248 مناقصه Electrical machinery, geophysical, inspection and measuring equipment, communication facilities and construction materials. کشور ترکمنستان 1401/06/16 رجوع به آگهی
5655298 مناقصه Hiring of tubing inspection services کشور پاکستان 1401/06/14 رجوع به آگهی
5648876 مناقصه Electrical machinery, geophysical, inspection and measuring equipment, communication facilities and construction materials. کشور ترکمنستان 1401/06/12 رجوع به آگهی
5648690 مناقصه electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications facilities and building materials. کشور ترکمنستان 1401/06/12 رجوع به آگهی
5648630 مناقصه Electrical machinery, geophysical, inspection and measuring equipment, communication facilities and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1401/06/12 رجوع به آگهی
5642913 مناقصه Provision of Well Testing Service کشور عراق 1401/06/09 رجوع به آگهی
5587059 مناقصه Development and introduction of software and equipment for the Automated Gas Control and Accounting System (AGCS) for the new modern administrative center of the Ahal Velayat. کشور ترکمنستان 1401/05/25 رجوع به آگهی
5566377 مناقصه Electrical machinery, geophysical, inspection and measuring equipment, communication facilities and construction materials. کشور ترکمنستان 1401/05/18 رجوع به آگهی
5514358 مناقصه purchase of products for the needs of the Balkanabat Iodine Plant کشور ترکمنستان 1401/05/03 رجوع به آگهی
5514352 مناقصه purchase of material and technical resources کشور ترکمنستان 1401/05/03 رجوع به آگهی
5501430 مناقصه Package of Fine Reservoir Characterization and Comprehensive Stimulation Study of EBS Oilfield in 2022 کشور عراق 1401/04/29 رجوع به آگهی
5499016 مناقصه Electrical machinery, geophysical, inspection and measuring equipment, communication facilities and construction materials. کشور ترکمنستان 1401/04/29 رجوع به آگهی
5459187 مناقصه purchase of material and technical resources کشور ترکمنستان 1401/04/18 رجوع به آگهی
5458621 مناقصه Cementing Study for 9-5/8" Casing and 7" Liner کشور عراق 1401/04/18 رجوع به آگهی
5443841 مناقصه provision of oilfield services کشور ترکمنستان 1401/04/15 رجوع به آگهی
5443793 مناقصه - Electrical machinery,geophysical,inspection and measuring equipment,communication facilities and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1401/04/15 رجوع به آگهی
5435831 مناقصه Engineering, Construction, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Daughter CNG Stations at Ferry Fish Market کشور تانزانیا 1401/04/13 رجوع به آگهی
5435781 مناقصه Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Daughter Station at Muhimbili National Hospital کشور تانزانیا 1401/04/13 رجوع به آگهی
5417377 مناقصه Electrical machinery, geophysical, inspection and measuring equipment, communication facilities and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1401/04/07 رجوع به آگهی
صفحه 4 از 17