جزئیات آگهی
آگهی مناقصه با عنوان Transportation of electrical line material / equipments و با کد هزاره 1612462 در تاریخ دوشنبه، 7 آبان 1397 در سایت ارتباط گستران هزاره ثبت شده است. این آگهی مربوط به کشور بنگلادش و در دسته بندی حمل و نقل جاده ای و دریایی انتشار یافته است
electrical line materials/equipments in Government/Semi-Government/ Autonomous Organization and also
one year specific experience in the transportation/carrying of electrical line materials/equipments in Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous Organization.
Besides this the Tenderers who have the experience in carrying/transportation of Tk 1S (fifteen) lac
under a single contract separately for SPC poles & Electrical Line Materials/Equipments from the non- government manufacturers to the above organization within the last OS years can participate