مناقصه Construction of Asphalt Road and Paver Block Pathways along the Compound wall for security...

جزئیات آگهی

آگهی مناقصه با عنوان Construction of Asphalt Road and Paver Block Pathways along the Compound wall for security Patroling at Anushaktinagar and Mandala areas in Mumbai. و با کد هزاره 1616504 در تاریخ پنجشنبه، 10 آبان 1397 در سایت ارتباط گستران هزاره ثبت شده است. این آگهی مربوط به کشور هند و در دسته بندی آسفالت، راهسازی رتبه بالا انتشار یافته است

خواهشمند است جهت کسب اطلاعات دقیق و شرکت در مناقصه، حتما به تصویر آگهی درج شده توسط مناقصه گزار مراجعه نمایید
کد هزاره: 1616504
شرح آگهی:
Construction of Asphalt Road and Paver Block Pathways along the Compound wall for security Patroling at Anushaktinagar and Mandala areas in Mumbai.
Estimated cost put to tender : Rs. 358.00 lakh
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.7.16 lakh to be submitted in the form of Deposit at Call Receipt or Demand Draft/ Bankers Cheque or Fixed Deposit Receipt drawn in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, DCSEM, Mumbai.
The bidders may submit the EMD as follows:
(i) 50% of earnest money or Rs. 20 lakh, whichever is less, will have to be deposited in the shape prescribed above
(ii) Balance amount of earnest money can be accepted in the form of Bank guarantee issued by a scheduled bank as per enclosed prescribed format. Cash and Cheque for Earnest Money Deposit will not be accepted.
The Bank Guarantee shall be valid for 180 days from the date of online submission of Tender.
شرایط آگهی:
Completion period : 12 Months
Fee of Tender Document : Nil
Tender Processing Fee : Rs.5900.00 through e-payment.
Security Deposit : 2.5% of tendered value.
Performance Guarantee : 5% of tendered value
Detailed NIT is also available on website www.dcsem.gov.in for view only.
Date of Pre-bid clarification : 12.11.2018 at the Office of Head (CQD), 3rd Floor, V.S. Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094.
Last date and time of closing of online submission of tenders: : 26.11.2018 (17:00 hrs.)
Last date for submission of original DD/FDR/BG etc. towards EMD and drawings etc : On or before 28.11.2018 (15:00 hrs.) in the Office of Head (CQD), 3rd Floor, V.S. Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai -400 094.
Date and time of online opening of Technical Bid. : 28.11.2018 (15:30 hrs.) in the Office of Head (CQD), 3rd Floor, V.S. Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094
برگزار کننده: Directorate of Construction Services and Estate Management, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India
منطقه: کشور هند
تاريخ انتشار: 1397/08/10
مهلت دريافت: 1397/09/05
مهلت ارسال: 1397/09/05
تاريخ بازگشايی: 1397/09/07
نوبت اعلام: First
شماره آگهی: NIT NO. DCSEM/CQD/QSA/CW-AR-PB/NIT /229/10-2018
منبع: Directorate of Construction Services and Estate Management, Department of Atomic Energy, Government
تلفن: اعلام نشده
فکس: اعلام نشده
ایمیل: اعلام نشده
وب سایت: اعلام نشده
آدرس: Refer To Tender Document
اسناد آگهی: دانلود اسناد
تصویر آگهی:
تصویر آگهی

جهت دسترسی به اطلاعات کامل آگهی، اطلاعات تماس، مشاهده جزئیات و تصویر آگهی وارد حساب کاربری خود شده و در صورتیکه هنوز عضو سایت نیستید، ثبت نام نمایید.