مناقصه Capacity gap analysis of the Roads Department Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure

جزئیات آگهی

آگهی مناقصه با عنوان Capacity gap analysis of the Roads Department Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure و با کد هزاره 1892279 در تاریخ چهارشنبه، 28 فروردین 1398 در سایت ارتباط گستران هزاره ثبت شده است. این آگهی مربوط به کشور گرجستان و در دسته بندی مشاوره مدیریت و استاندارد، مشاوره های نقشه برداری، مشاوره (کلیه صنوف)، مشاوره راهسازی انتشار یافته است

خواهشمند است جهت کسب اطلاعات دقیق و شرکت در مناقصه، حتما به تصویر آگهی درج شده توسط مناقصه گزار مراجعه نمایید
کد هزاره: 1892279
شرح آگهی:
Assignment Title: Capacity gap analysis of the Roads Department Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure Contract/RFP No: EWHIP-4/CS/CQS-10 Georgia has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Fourth East West Highway Improvement Project (EWHIP-4) and intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, and related services and consulting services to be procured under this project, which will be jointly financed with the Government of Georgia.
The Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (RDMRDI) now invites eligible companies (here and after “Consultants”) to express their interest in providing the following services: “Capacity gap analysis of the Roads Department Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure”.
The objective of the Capacity Gap Analysis is to identify areas of the Roads Department’s (RD) operations that need to be enhanced to achieve effective and sustainable road network management and how these enhancements can be realistically achieved. The main purpose of the assignment is:
• to examine the operational environment of the RD, including a detailed review of the department’s Charter, to identify major external constraints to the RD’s operations and to make recommendations for addressing these constraints;
• to undertake an assessment of the new organization structure of the RD (effective from August 2018) and to identify any weaknesses inherent in...
شرایط آگهی:
Expressions of Interest accompanied relevant information mentioned above must be submitted either as a hard copy or electronically to the address below not later than no later than May 08, 2019, 17:00 hours.
برگزار کننده: Roads Department of Georgia
منطقه: کشور گرجستان
تاريخ انتشار: 1398/01/28
مهلت دريافت: 1398/02/18
مهلت ارسال: 1398/02/18
تاريخ بازگشايی: اعلام نشده
نوبت اعلام: اول
شماره آگهی: IDA 5245-GE; IBRD-8263-GE
منبع: Roads Department of Georgia
تلفن: اعلام نشده
فکس: اعلام نشده
ایمیل: اعلام نشده
وب سایت: اعلام نشده
آدرس: Refer to document
اسناد آگهی: دانلود اسناد
تصویر آگهی:
تصویر آگهی

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