جزئیات آگهی
آگهی مناقصه با عنوان International Advisory for pre-listing support - Team Co-ordinator و با کد هزاره 1914260 در تاریخ پنجشنبه، 5 اردیبهشت 1398 در سایت ارتباط گستران هزاره ثبت شده است. این آگهی مربوط به کشور اردن و در دسته بندی حسابداری، مشاوره مدیریت و استاندارد، مشاوره (کلیه صنوف) انتشار یافته است
Subsequent to the G-8 Finance Ministers' Meeting in Marseille in September 2011, the International Financial Institutions concerned jointly agreed on eight focus areas of activity under the Deauville Partnership to support countries in the Arab world engaged in transitions toward “free, democratic and tolerant societies”. The EBRD and the Arab Monetary Fund were tasked with leading the module on the development of capital markets in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia. It was agreed that they will provide technical assistance support in a coordinated manner, according to each institution’s mandate and expertise to help these countries deepen local capital market development. Within this context the Jordan Securities Commission (the “JSC”) approached the EBRD, requesting the Bank’s technical assistance to prepare a five-year Strategy and Roadmap (the...