جزئیات آگهی
آگهی مناقصه با عنوان Optical Distribution Network Installation, Testing and Handover Works for FTTH و با کد هزاره 2234753 در تاریخ سه شنبه، 26 شهریور 1398 در سایت ارتباط گستران هزاره ثبت شده است. این آگهی مربوط به کشور نپال و در دسته بندی پیمانکاری مخابرات، اینترنت و شبکه انتشار یافته است
Handover Works for FTTH.
Omsatiya-01, Khunsa, Rupandehi by hand or through e-submission portal of Nepal Telecom , before 12:00 noon on 27-09-2019 (Aswin 10,2076). Bids received after this deadline will be rejected. For details of e-submission, please visit /eproc.ntc.net.np/aboutus.php. Bidder who chooses to submit their bid electronically must download the bidding documents from esubmission portal //eproc.ntc.net.np/tenders.php The bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders' representatives who choose to attend 13.00 pm (27-09-2019).