شرح آگهی:
Name of Work: Airconditioning of Heliport Terminal building, Air Defense office under Radar Ramp & First Aid extension building in IGCAR, Kalpakkam , Sealed tendesr are invited on behalf of the President of India by Superintending Engineer (Mechanicl)a& Head, ACVSD, ESG,IGCAR, Kalpakkam, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, from the Contractors who have executed similar works mentioned below in CPWD, Railways, State PWDs, MES, PSUs and other Central/StateGovt. DepU private firms with proven technicaland financial capabilities.
شرایط آگهی:
Tenders will be received upto 17.00 hours on 12-02-2020 (or the next working day if 12-02-2020 happensto be a holiday)either by Head,ACVSD, ESG, IGCAR, IGCAR, Kalpakkam 603 102 (OR) by LiaisonOffice (TCPAS) at Shastri Bhavan, Chennai and will be opened on 14-02-2020 at 15.30 Hours in the presence of attendni g tenderers and Accounts officer in ESG office, IGCAR, Kalpakkam