مناقصه INVITATION FOR BID Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Plant, Machinery and Equipment and...

جزئیات آگهی

آگهی مناقصه با عنوان INVITATION FOR BID Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Plant, Machinery and Equipment and Transfer of Technical Knowhow for manufacturing of Composites Based Sports Goods for Product Development Center (PDC) و با کد هزاره 2640315 در تاریخ چهارشنبه، 30 بهمن 1398 در سایت ارتباط گستران هزاره ثبت شده است. این آگهی مربوط به کشور پاکستان و در دسته بندی تجهیزات صنعتی، خدمات ، اقلام و تجهیزات ورزشی، صنعت پلاستیک، صنعت لاستیک، قطعات، تجهیزات و ماشین آلات خطوط تولید و واحدهای صنعتی انتشار یافته است

خواهشمند است جهت کسب اطلاعات دقیق و شرکت در مناقصه، حتما به تصویر آگهی درج شده توسط مناقصه گزار مراجعه نمایید
کد هزاره: 2640315
شرح آگهی:
INVITATION FOR BID Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Plant, Machinery and Equipment and Transfer of Technical Knowhow for manufacturing of Composites Based Sports Goods for Product Development Center (PDC), Sialkot, Pakistan. Product Development Center (PDC) for Composites Based Sports Goods, Sialkot is a project of Ministry of Industries & Production. The project aims to provide Common Facility Services to the sports sector in the manufacturing of Composites Based Sports Goods. PDC invites sealed bids from original manufacturers/ authorized distributers/ suppliers/ contractors etc. registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue for Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Plant, Machinery and Equipment and Transfer of Technical Knowhow for manufacturing of Composites Based Sports Goods including Roller & Golf Sticks, Ice Hockey sticks, Rackets, Baseball & Cricket Bats, Billiard Ques, Water Sports equipment?s, snow sports and Fishing Tackle, etc. Bids must be submitted as per PPRA Rules 36(d) Two stage Two envelope bidding procedures. Bidders can quote for the complete scope of work as per Section ? A & B of specific work data or for part scope of work as per Section ? A or B of specific work data. A foreign bidder is entitled to bid under an authorized representation/ agent / joint venture etc. with a Pakistani counterpart as the case may be. Interested bidders including original manufacturers and or suppliers meeting the criteria as prescribed in the bidding document may apply along with the documents as indicated under clause IB.9 of the tender document. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, etc. can be collected from the address mentioned below upon payment of PKR. 1,500/-. Bidding documents can also be downloaded from (www.sidc.org.pk) free of cost. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at the below...
شرایط آگهی:
closing date : 25/3/2020
برگزار کننده: Small Medium Enterprise Development Authority - SMEDA Pakistan
منطقه: کشور پاکستان
تاريخ انتشار: 1398/11/30
مهلت دريافت: اعلام نشده
مهلت ارسال: 1399/01/06
تاريخ بازگشايی: اعلام نشده
نوبت اعلام: first
شماره آگهی: 634
منبع: Public Procurement Regulatory Authority - Pakistan
تلفن: اعلام نشده
فکس: اعلام نشده
ایمیل: اعلام نشده
وب سایت: اعلام نشده
آدرس: Refer To Tender Document
اسناد آگهی: دانلود اسناد
تصویر آگهی:
تصویر آگهی

جهت دسترسی به اطلاعات کامل آگهی، اطلاعات تماس، مشاهده جزئیات و تصویر آگهی وارد حساب کاربری خود شده و در صورتیکه هنوز عضو سایت نیستید، ثبت نام نمایید.