جزئیات آگهی
آگهی مناقصه با عنوان POROSIMETER و با کد هزاره 3919883 در تاریخ دوشنبه، 10 خرداد 1400 در سایت ارتباط گستران هزاره ثبت شده است. این آگهی مربوط به کشور عمان و در دسته بندی ابزار دقیق انتشار یافته است
POROSIMETER POROPERM (STEADY STATE GAS PERMEAMETER AND POROSIMETER) The versatile POROPERM determines both porosity and permeability to gas of plug-sized core samples. 1. Permeability: A core sample, fitted in a Viton sleeve is inserted into the core holder. 2. Direct pore volume measurement: The samples is placed in the core holder, at the desired confining pressure and isolated by valves. 3.Direct grain volume measurement: The samples is placed the matrix cup and isolated by valves. SPARE PARTS FOR TWO YEARS INCLUDING: 5 EA 1.5" SLEEVES 5 O-RINGS FOR MATRIX CUP 5 EA O-RINGS FOR CORE HOLDER 2 METRS 1/4" TUBING 5 FITTINGS REMOTE INSTALLATION AND COMMISIONING AND TRAINING It cpmprises remote start-up operations and ensuring that the end-user becomes aware of the necessary adjustment for reliable measurements. includes: -10 years techical support(life span) 2- warranty: 2 years