کد هزاره | عنوان مناقصه | منطقه | درج | پایان | اسناد | وضعیت |
2126267 | مناقصه Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Retrofitting Applications for Public Buildings (Energy and Water Efficiency Enhancement for Existing Buildings) | کشور اردن | 1398/05/03 | 1398/06/03 |
1974289 | مناقصه Pumping Stations Project: Supervision Engineer & Implementation Support | کشور اردن | 1398/03/04 | 1398/03/12 |
1874456 | مناقصه Pumping Stations Project: Supervision Engineer & Implementation Support | کشور اردن | 1398/01/20 | 1398/02/29 |
1861666 | مناقصه Lagoon Remediation Project - Phase 1 - Feasibility Study, Technical and Functional Specifications and Tender Support | کشور اردن | 1397/12/26 | 1398/01/22 |
1846661 | مناقصه Lagoon Remediation Project - PHASE 1 - Feasibility Study, Technical and Functional Specifications, and Tender Support | کشور اردن | 1397/12/23 | 1398/01/14 |
1802449 | مناقصه Water Conservation | کشور اردن | 1397/12/05 | 1397/12/19 |
1632206 | مناقصه Jordan Water Photovoltaic Plants for Pumping Stations Project | کشور اردن | 1397/08/22 | 1397/09/21 |