کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
2083971 مناقصه Construction Of a chain-link fence & Supply Installation and Commissioning of a Hybrid Water System & Supply of Grinding Machines کشور اوگاندا 1398/04/18 1398/05/03
2009814 مناقصه Procurement of the Construction of Weather Stations کشور اوگاندا 1398/03/23 1398/03/31
1981546 مناقصه Civil Works for Installation of 25 Meteorological infrastructures کشور اوگاندا 1398/03/08 1398/03/31
1973275 مناقصه CALL FOR PROPOSALS CLIMATE ACTION CHALLENGE GRANTS کشور اوگاندا 1398/03/04 1398/03/17
1923441 مناقصه Civil Works for Installation of 25 Meteorological infrastructures around proposed wetland restoration sites کشور اوگاندا 1398/02/10 1398/02/30
1923438 مناقصه Consultancy services to develop a relevant Early Warning system کشور اوگاندا 1398/02/10 1398/02/30
1923432 مناقصه Consultancy Services to Undertake Mapping of 4 Catchment Areas to be rehabilitated in the Surroundings of the restored Wetlands کشور اوگاندا 1398/02/10 1398/02/19
1916160 مناقصه Consultancy to undertake a Terminal Evaluation Of Charcoal Production کشور اوگاندا 1398/02/07 1398/02/17
1916159 مناقصه Consultancy to support the Terminal Evaluation of the Addressing barriers to the adoption of improved charcoal production technologies and sustainable land management practices through an integ... کشور اوگاندا 1398/02/07 1398/02/17
1810660 مناقصه Consultancy to develop an integrated Monitoring, Reporting and Verification systems and GHG emissions databases for energy and waste sectors کشور اوگاندا 1397/12/08 1397/12/24
1758182 مناقصه Consultancy Services For Hazardous Substance Assessment at Power Station کشور اوگاندا 1397/11/07 1397/11/22
1734721 مناقصه Construction works for the water supply and sanitation improvement infrastructure کشور اوگاندا 1397/10/22 1397/11/12
1734689 مناقصه Construction works for the water supply and sanitation improvement infrastructure کشور اوگاندا 1397/10/22 1397/11/12
1730401 مناقصه Construction of Transmission Lines , Supply and Installation of Steel Pressed Tank , Construction of 1 Stance Drainable Latrine with Bathroom ... کشور اوگاندا 1397/10/18 1397/11/02
1682237 مناقصه International Consultant to develop a business case for the private sector to engage in climate action in Uganda کشور اوگاندا 1397/09/24 1397/10/10
1626109 مناقصه Construction works for the water supply and sanitation improvement infrastructure in selected informal settlements of Kampala کشور اوگاندا 1397/08/19 1397/10/21
صفحه 3 از 3