کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
2040067 مناقصه Establishment of Long-Term Agreement (LTA) for services of ‘Financial Services Provider’ for grants disbursement through E-transfer/hard cash distribution کشور بنگلادش 1398/04/02 1398/04/15
2038565 مناقصه Design, Supply and Installation of Commercial Off-the-Self (COTS) Financial Management Information System for Automation کشور بنگلادش 1398/04/01 1398/05/13
2022744 مناقصه Supply ,Installation ,testing and Commissioning of BTCL IP Telephony System,IP Telephony Application ,Instant Messaging Platform and SMS gateway with related Hardware and Software infrastructur... کشور بنگلادش 1398/03/29 1398/04/25
2022743 مناقصه Supply ,Installation ,testing and Commissioning of optical turnstiles کشور بنگلادش 1398/03/29 1398/04/18
2021324 مناقصه Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 200 Router, 200 Network Switch, 200 9U Network Rack with Necessary Network Accessories and Related Services for 200 (fwo Hundred) Different Branches کشور بنگلادش 1398/03/28 1398/04/18
2007349 مناقصه Applications for Enlistment of Suppliers for Equipments ( Camera , Projector , Photocopier , toner , Computer & Accessories etc ) کشور بنگلادش 1398/03/22 1398/04/04
1973854 مناقصه Recruitment, Contracting and Payroll Management of Community Organizer position کشور بنگلادش 1398/03/04 1398/03/22
1954147 مناقصه Managing Purchases, Stocks, Payments, and Leveraging Transactional Data to Asses Credit Worthiness کشور بنگلادش 1398/02/25 1398/03/22
1944550 مناقصه Supply of Related Materials and Implementation of Free Governor Mode Operation (FGMO) including Software Upgradation in Existing Digital Governor System کشور بنگلادش 1398/02/22 1398/03/23
1936500 مناقصه Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Computer Hardware for Branches کشور بنگلادش 1398/02/17 1398/03/06
1933700 مناقصه Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of Optical Fiber کشور بنگلادش 1398/02/16 1398/03/07
1927113 مناقصه Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Personal Computer, Offline UPS, Inkjet Printer, Scanner & Generator for Branches/ Offices. کشور بنگلادش 1398/02/12 1398/03/07
1920253 مناقصه Hiring a Consulting Firm for SDG Financing and localization toolkit کشور بنگلادش 1398/02/09 1398/02/21
1914284 مناقصه Supply ICT Equipment کشور بنگلادش 1398/02/05 1398/02/19
1888063 مناقصه Hiring international/national firm to perform the pre & post technical assessments for safety and E&S investment in the RMG Project کشور بنگلادش 1398/01/27 1398/02/17
1846645 مناقصه Promotional Materials for Programme "Empowered Women Peaceful Communities". کشور بنگلادش 1397/12/23 1397/12/29
1810615 مناقصه Supply,lnstallation and Implementation of Computer Hardware for Branches Of Banks کشور بنگلادش 1397/12/08 1398/01/01
1783441 مناقصه Supply lnstilllation and implementation of Computer Hardware کشور بنگلادش 1397/11/24 1397/12/14
1773771 مناقصه Supply of Related Materials and Implementation of Free Governor Mode Operation (FGMO) Including Software Upgradation in Existing Digital Governor System. کشور بنگلادش 1397/11/16 1398/01/01
1771785 مناقصه Hiring firm for Developing Escrow in Payment Services & Online Dispute Resolution and Maintenance کشور بنگلادش 1397/11/15 1397/11/29
صفحه 13 از 14