کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
2738599 مناقصه purchase of Electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1399/01/25 رجوع به آگهی
2724402 مناقصه procurement of Electrical Equipment & Automotive machinery & Chemical products & Auxiliary products کشور ترکمنستان 1399/01/16 رجوع به آگهی
2723580 مناقصه procurement of electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1399/01/16 رجوع به آگهی
2652780 مناقصه Supply Electrical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1398/12/05 رجوع به آگهی
2645676 مناقصه Supply electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1398/12/03 رجوع به آگهی
2641908 مناقصه procurement of Pipes and metal products ,Geophysical equipment and materials; Automotive machinery and spare parts کشور ترکمنستان 1398/12/01 رجوع به آگهی
2614699 مناقصه Carry out work to modernize the Automated control system of the Millisecond catalytic cracking unit of complex of oil refineries کشور ترکمنستان 1398/11/24 رجوع به آگهی
2596348 مناقصه Supply Pipes and metal products;Factory equipment; Electrical, control and measuring equipment;Auxiliary products; , Chemical products کشور ترکمنستان 1398/11/16 رجوع به آگهی
2583565 مناقصه procurement of Pipes and Metal Products & Technological equipment & Electrical equipment, instrumentation & Motor transport, tractor, specialized equipment, components and spare parts & Auxilia... کشور ترکمنستان 1398/11/13 رجوع به آگهی
2583564 مناقصه purchase of Electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1398/11/13 رجوع به آگهی
2552165 مناقصه Supply Electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1398/11/02 رجوع به آگهی
2540115 مناقصه Supply Pipes and Metal products; Factory-Wide, Technological, Drilling Equipment , Electrical, Geophysical, Control and Measuring Equipment, communications and construction materials;Chemical p... کشور ترکمنستان 1398/10/28 رجوع به آگهی
2536167 مناقصه Electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and کشور ترکمنستان 1398/10/25 رجوع به آگهی
2505682 مناقصه Automated control system and optimization of oil production of wells equipped with sucker rod pumps کشور ترکمنستان 1398/10/12 رجوع به آگهی
2479225 مناقصه Supply Pipe products; General plant equipment; Electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment , communications and building materials; کشور ترکمنستان 1398/10/05 رجوع به آگهی
2423477 مناقصه procurement of& plant-wide, technological, and drilling equipment&electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials&automotive, tractor, speci... کشور ترکمنستان 1398/09/11 رجوع به آگهی
2423447 مناقصه purchase of Electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1398/09/11 رجوع به آگهی
2423445 مناقصه purchase of Electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1398/09/11 رجوع به آگهی
2404186 مناقصه Supply Factory equipment; Electrical equipment (laboratory equipment), and Electrical Control Measuring Equipment, Communications کشور ترکمنستان 1398/09/03 رجوع به آگهی
2404183 مناقصه Supply Factory equipment , Electrical, control and measuring equipment , Auxiliary products کشور ترکمنستان 1398/09/03 رجوع به آگهی
صفحه 2 از 4