کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
1895566 مناقصه Supply Pipes and metal products, Plant-wide equipment, Electrical, control and measuring equipment, means communications and building materials and Auxiliary products کشور ترکمنستان 1398/01/31 1398/03/13
1890981 مناقصه purchase of Pipes and metal products & Plant-wide equipment & Electrical, geophysical, control and measurement equipment, communications and building material & Chemical products کشور ترکمنستان 1398/01/28 1398/03/10
1875599 مناقصه purchase of office supplies کشور ترکمنستان 1398/01/20 1398/01/30
1874457 مناقصه Preparation of a feasibility study with the design and commissioning of the turnkey enterprise for the production of pipes, pallets, boxes for waste, boxes for meat products, boxes for vegetabl... کشور ترکمنستان 1398/01/20 1398/02/27
1869024 مناقصه Supply Pipes and Metal Products , Electrical products , Motor transport, tractor, specialized machinery, components and spare parts کشور ترکمنستان 1398/01/17 1398/03/06
1847580 مناقصه purchase of Plant-wide equipment & Electrical, control and measuring equipment, communication facilities & Auxiliary products کشور ترکمنستان 1397/12/23 1398/02/18
1833871 مناقصه purchase of Technological equipment & Control measurement products and automation & Auxiliary products کشور ترکمنستان 1397/12/21 1398/02/16
1810649 مناقصه purchase of Electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1397/12/08 1398/01/19
1810617 مناقصه Supply of Pipes and Metal Products,Plant-wide equipment ,Electrical products, instrumentation and automation, communication, cable products کشور ترکمنستان 1397/12/08 1398/01/30
1778123 مناقصه Purchase of material and technical resources for Pipe products, Plant-wide equipment, Cable products and communication equipment and Auxiliary products کشور ترکمنستان 1397/11/18 1398/01/07
1766088 مناقصه purchase of material and technical resources کشور ترکمنستان 1397/11/11 1397/12/24
1761986 مناقصه Supply Electrical, geophysical, control and measuring equipment, communications and construction materials کشور ترکمنستان 1397/11/09 1397/12/09
1751612 مناقصه Purchase of materials and equipment for the reconstruction of external and internal factory lines of underground communications in the refinery کشور ترکمنستان 1397/11/02 1397/12/01
1745103 مناقصه supply of equipment, overhaul and modernization of the 1st and 2nd technological line UASO PSG Bagadzh کشور ترکمنستان 1397/10/29 1397/11/27
1741965 مناقصه Management of a plant for processing natural gas into gasoline کشور ترکمنستان 1397/10/26 1397/11/25
1678286 مناقصه Spare parts for mobile air-nitrogen membrane station MA-1,1-95-70-K کشور ترکمنستان 1397/09/21 1397/09/29
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