کد هزاره | عنوان مناقصه | منطقه | درج | پایان | اسناد | وضعیت |
1641796 | مناقصه designing, manufacturing, supplying, transporting, insuring, executing all the needed works( civil- mechanical-electrical- C&I), erecting ,calibrating, testing, putting into execution for equip... | کشور سوریه | 1397/08/28 | 1397/10/25 |
1641795 | مناقصه designing, manufacturing, supplying, transporting, insuring, testing, executing civil works, erecting ,putting into operation for all equipment, machineries and necessary tools for construction... | کشور سوریه | 1397/08/28 | 1397/10/25 |
1639011 | مناقصه Wooden Doors installation in the Old City of Aleppo | کشور سوریه | 1397/08/27 | 1397/09/08 |