کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
2744582 مناقصه Maintenance Works to Basic Education کشور عمان 1399/01/28 رجوع به آگهی
2744413 مناقصه Maintenance Works to Basic Education Schools کشور عمان 1399/01/28 رجوع به آگهی
2744206 مناقصه Design and Build of Multi-Level Car Parking Phase II کشور عمان 1399/01/28 رجوع به آگهی
2739450 مناقصه Rehabilitation and Maintenance of greenhouses ( refrigerated) at the tissue culture Research Center کشور عمان 1399/01/26 رجوع به آگهی
2735015 مناقصه Maintenance of the umbrella of the veterinary clinic کشور عمان 1399/01/24 1399/01/30
2735014 مناقصه Installing the Mist nursery system (6 nurseries) at the tissue culture Research Center کشور عمان 1399/01/24 1399/01/30
2734422 مناقصه Modifation , Fabrication , interior Design , Fitout (Taxation Authority Building ) کشور عمان 1399/01/24 1399/01/28
2734216 مناقصه Construction of additional 11 classrooms, administration block and other facilities including demolition of exisitng building modification and repair works to Fins Basic School کشور عمان 1399/01/24 1399/02/04
2732491 مناقصه Construction of the doctor’s accommodation in the veterinary clinic کشور عمان 1399/01/23 1399/02/10
2730366 مناقصه Supply and installation of a double-coated, greenhouse covered with polycarbonate for the Textile Agriculture Research Center کشور عمان 1399/01/20 1399/01/24
2730365 مناقصه Supply and installation of a canopy at the top of the greenhouses at the Textile Agriculture Center کشور عمان 1399/01/20 1399/01/23
2730363 مناقصه Provide maintenance's team for annual MEP & Civil Maintenance works at Vocational Technical College کشور عمان 1399/01/20 1399/01/27
2728733 مناقصه SUPERVISION COMPLETION THE REMAINING WORKS FOR (12) HOUSING UNITS کشور عمان 1399/01/19 1399/02/02
2726849 مناقصه Establishing offices and resrooms in the multi-purposee hall building and Nakhal municipality building کشور عمان 1399/01/18 1399/02/07
2725844 مناقصه Maintenance of Al-Rustaq municipality building کشور عمان 1399/01/17 1399/01/20
2725815 مناقصه Maintenance works to schools کشور عمان 1399/01/17 رجوع به آگهی
2725812 مناقصه MAINTENANCE WORKS TO SCHOOLS کشور عمان 1399/01/17 1399/01/31
2725802 مناقصه MAINTENANCE OF PAVED ROADS PROJECTS . کشور عمان 1399/01/17 1399/01/31
2722442 مناقصه Consultancy services on designing and supervision for developing the area کشور عمان 1399/01/11 رجوع به آگهی
صفحه 21 از 38