کد هزاره | عنوان مناقصه | منطقه | درج | پایان | اسناد | وضعیت |
4299491 | مناقصه Call-off agreement for Supply of Volvo Wheel Loaders Spare “Supplies”&Environmental Monitoring and Reporting for Bulk Material Handling System (BMHS) at Mesaieed & Sahara Washed Sand Plant (SWS... | کشور قطر | 1400/06/23 | رجوع به آگهی |
4299490 | مناقصه IT Security Operations Centre (SOC) &Supply of one Unit of Mobile Crane (All Terrain Crane-200 Ton)&Call-off Agreement for Supply of Volvo Trucks Spare Parts&Call-off Agreement for Supply of Lu... | کشور قطر | 1400/06/23 | رجوع به آگهی |
4060646 | مناقصه Supply of Tires for Mobile Equipment & Supply of spare parts of CAT Wheel Loaders | کشور قطر | 1400/04/09 | رجوع به آگهی |
2120165 | مناقصه Supply of Lubricants & Supply of Tires & Supply of MAN Trucks Spare Parts & Supply of General Spare Parts | کشور قطر | 1398/04/31 | 1398/05/09 |
صفحه 1 از 1