کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
1655960 مناقصه Invitation of quotation for primer synthesis and purification کشور هند 1397/09/08 1397/09/19
1655891 مناقصه Modification of existing piping drawing کشور هند 1397/09/08 1397/09/19
1655886 مناقصه Fabrication, Supply, Testing, Installation and Commissioning of Working Platform, Inlet Water Pipeline, Water Drainage System, Water Pressurization System, Jet Cleaning Systems, Electric Hoists... کشور هند 1397/09/08 1397/09/19
1653145 مناقصه Diversion of Nallah with RCC hume pipes and balance development works کشور هند 1397/09/07 1397/10/12
1652815 مناقصه Implementation of Plastic Recycling Management Programme کشور هند 1397/09/06 1397/09/19
1650148 مناقصه Operation and maintenance of lift water supply scheme and distributionof water supply to colony, water treatment plant کشور هند 1397/09/05 1397/10/03
1644714 مناقصه PROCUREMENT OF WATER JET SPARES for ICGS RAJVEER کشور هند 1397/08/30 1397/09/08
1644712 مناقصه Annual rate contract for rejuvenation of existing wells by excavating mud and extending its depth کشور هند 1397/08/30 1397/09/19
1643692 مناقصه “Water Quality Monitoring System for River Ganga” کشور هند 1397/08/29 1397/10/26
1642795 مناقصه Preparing for the Ara Canal Water Productivity Improvement Project (Institutional Development Specialist - International) کشور هند 1397/08/29 1397/09/05
1637512 مناقصه Providing and laying DI domestic water supply line from New Mandala UGT to 312 VE flats UGT at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 400094. کشور هند 1397/08/26 1397/09/30
1637410 مناقصه Design, Construction and Operation-Maintenance of Raw Water Intake Well, Water Treatment Plant, Raw and Clear Water Transmission Main for Mejhia and Gangajalghati blocks in Bankura. کشور هند 1397/08/26 1397/09/06
1628906 مناقصه Replacement of damaged and old pipeline from Administrative building to Shopping Complex and Pumping station near workshop to Bridge at Left Bank ,Balutar,Teesta-V Power Station کشور هند 1397/08/21 1397/09/12
1626116 مناقصه Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Project کشور هند 1397/08/19 1401/11/10
1621990 مناقصه Water Proofing Treatment of Deep Bhavan Office Building and Inspection Quarter Building, Port Blair کشور هند 1397/08/14 1397/09/05
1616526 مناقصه Construction of Eastern Side Boundary Wall کشور هند 1397/08/10 1397/08/22
1616525 مناقصه Integrated Recycling Approach for all Plastics in India” to be implemented in Mumbai کشور هند 1397/08/10 1397/08/21
1616524 مناقصه Supply and replacement of LRB insulation of DM water line from WTP to SAP کشور هند 1397/08/10 1397/08/23
1616522 مناقصه Implementation Of Natural Resource Management Activities In Micro Watershed کشور هند 1397/08/10 1397/11/10
1616512 مناقصه Core drilling in Malla-Yevur-Chyamnal Block کشور هند 1397/08/10 1397/08/18
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