کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
3539073 مناقصه Development of sewerage and storm water drainage system with 5 years Operation and Maintenance at THDC and Yamuna Colony, in Uttarakhand کشور هند 1399/10/22 رجوع به آگهی
3539072 مناقصه Development of Sewerage System involving STP, Trunk Sewer and Allied Works including 5 Years Operation and Maintenance, at Raipur, Dehradun, in Uttarakhand کشور هند 1399/10/22 رجوع به آگهی
3454021 مناقصه port dredge pump coupling misalignment rectifcation in between main engine and dredge pump gearbox on DCI Dredge XIV Corrigendum-1 کشور هند 1399/09/24 رجوع به آگهی
3454012 مناقصه supply, installation and commissioning of non-radioactive production measurement systems onboard at DCI Dredger-XVI کشور هند 1399/09/24 رجوع به آگهی
3421606 مناقصه SUPPLY OF SANITARY ITEMS / TOOLS FOR OUR NEW AOB کشور هند 1399/09/11 رجوع به آگهی
3401805 مناقصه Improvement to Water Supply Services کشور هند 1399/09/03 رجوع به آگهی
3401801 مناقصه Dredging underneath deck structure area deploying circle pump dredger at NMPT کشور هند 1399/09/03 رجوع به آگهی
3393125 مناقصه Improvement to Water Supply Services کشور هند 1399/08/29 رجوع به آگهی
3366151 مناقصه DM water Transfer Pumps as specified in the annexure کشور هند 1399/08/19 رجوع به آگهی
3365931 مناقصه Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & warranty of 500LPH capacity RO plant alongwith 3000 liters capacity water storage tank., Make: Zero B کشور هند 1399/08/19 رجوع به آگهی
3162543 مناقصه Improvements to Water Supply Services کشور هند 1399/06/12 رجوع به آگهی
3162542 مناقصه Improvements to Water Supply Services کشور هند 1399/06/12 رجوع به آگهی
3162541 مناقصه Improvement to Water Supply Services کشور هند 1399/06/12 رجوع به آگهی
3162540 مناقصه Improvements to Water Supply Services کشور هند 1399/06/12 رجوع به آگهی
3160767 مناقصه Revamping of process cooling water system and piping کشور هند 1399/06/11 رجوع به آگهی
3103969 مناقصه Procurement of Down hole Pump with other accessories of Progressive Cavity Pump for Surface Team, Mehsana Asset کشور هند 1399/05/26 رجوع به آگهی
3043925 مناقصه Revamping of water injection at BCPA-2 platform in B&S Asset on LSTK Basis کشور هند 1399/05/16 رجوع به آگهی
2845125 مناقصه Operation and maintenance of reverse osmosis (RO) plant کشور هند 1399/03/10 رجوع به آگهی
2837695 مناقصه Servicing and Maintenance Contract for RO systems کشور هند 1399/03/06 رجوع به آگهی
2819273 مناقصه Procurement of Down hole Pump with other accessories of Progressive Cavity Pump for Surface Team, Mehsana Asset کشور هند 1399/02/27 رجوع به آگهی
صفحه 3 از 7