کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
2024217 مناقصه Fabrication of air sampling inlet and out line from the exhaust duct and off gas duct at stack area and erection of duct sampling system in filter house and waste vault of DFRP کشور هند 1398/03/29 1398/04/11
2024213 مناقصه Supply Portable Raman Spectrometer کشور هند 1398/03/29 1398/04/26
2023382 مناقصه Maintenance Consumables کشور هند 1398/03/29 1398/04/21
2018343 مناقصه Comprehensive Maintenance and Operation Contract for Access Control System کشور هند 1398/03/27 1398/04/07
2001757 مناقصه Supply Semi Microbalance کشور هند 1398/03/20 1398/03/29
1997166 مناقصه Supply Portable Gas Analyzer کشور هند 1398/03/18 1398/04/07
1997165 مناقصه Supply HIGH PERFORMANCE MULTI POINT BET SURFACE AREA ANALYSER کشور هند 1398/03/18 1398/04/11
1997164 مناقصه Supply Phasor Measurement کشور هند 1398/03/18 1398/04/05
1996529 مناقصه Procurement, Installation & Commissioning and familiarization of Gas Chromatograph کشور هند 1398/03/18 1398/04/04
1996526 مناقصه Procurement, Installation & Commissioning and familiarization of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer کشور هند 1398/03/18 1398/04/04
1989721 مناقصه Supply Weather Monitoring station کشور هند 1398/03/12 1398/03/29
1989720 مناقصه Online ambient air quality monitoring station (Real Time gaseous analyzers) for SO2, NOx, CO, Ozone, & VOCs کشور هند 1398/03/12 1398/04/06
1989322 مناقصه Supply Gas Distribution System کشور هند 1398/03/12 1398/03/30
1989125 مناقصه Supply Bomb Calorimeter کشور هند 1398/03/12 1398/03/31
1989118 مناقصه Supply Fiber coupled laser source with temperature controller, power supply and fiber collimator system کشور هند 1398/03/12 1398/03/29
1982700 مناقصه Supply and installation of CAS detector fixture, waste transfer primary container and remote aliquoting system . کشور هند 1398/03/08 1398/03/31
1981650 مناقصه Supply High resolution monochromator/spectrograph with CCD Camera کشور هند 1398/03/08 1398/03/29
1981649 مناقصه Supply Mass Flow Controllers کشور هند 1398/03/08 1398/03/28
1975448 مناقصه Supply and Commissioning of Radiation Survey Meter for Li-Ion Cell Manufacturing Facility کشور هند 1398/03/05 1398/03/13
1975404 مناقصه Purchase of Petrological Microscope کشور هند 1398/03/05 1398/03/27
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