کد هزاره | عنوان مناقصه | منطقه | درج | پایان | اسناد | وضعیت |
5902853 | مناقصه ITB Construction Contract for Small Works - Rehabilitation of the Existing Water Network and Construction of New House Connections in Sarieh District, Irbid-Lot 1 and Lot 2 | کشور اردن | 1401/08/10 | رجوع به آگهی |
4732054 | مناقصه Painting of wooden entrance door, fixing canopy(with two layers) and renovation/modification of the platform area | کشور اردن | 1400/10/27 | رجوع به آگهی |
2596408 | مناقصه Fleet Management Tracking System | کشور اردن، کشور عراق، کشور افغانستان ... | 1398/11/16 | رجوع به آگهی |
2123840 | مناقصه Provision of Surveying Services in the Arab Countries | کشور اردن | 1398/05/02 | 1398/05/10 |
1692259 | مناقصه Construction of Facilities for Amman Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System: Mega Project 1 | کشور اردن | 1397/09/29 | 1397/11/08 |
صفحه 1 از 1