کد هزاره عنوان مناقصه منطقه درج پایان اسناد وضعیت
2013600 مناقصه supply of 630A 3-phase 33 KV pole mounted autoreclosers کشور اردن 1398/03/25 1398/04/12
2001124 مناقصه Supply of 33KV, 400 Amps 3- phase pole mounted Automatic sectionalizers کشور اردن 1398/03/20 1398/04/19
1997171 مناقصه supply of perforated and hot galvanized angles and c channels کشور اردن 1398/03/18 1398/04/05
1997170 مناقصه Assignment is to transfer strategic know-how and raise awareness about modern energy performance standards to contribute to the creation of a demand-driven, self-sustaining market for investmen... کشور اردن 1398/03/18 1398/04/06
1986832 مناقصه Assignment is to transfer strategic know-how and raise awareness about modern energy performance standards to contribute to the creation of a demand-driven, self-sustaining market for investme... کشور اردن 1398/03/11 1398/03/30
1986831 مناقصه supply of outdoor distribution transformers کشور اردن 1398/03/11 1398/03/29
1982214 مناقصه supply of mechanical and compression cable lugs کشور اردن 1398/03/08 1398/04/05
1982213 مناقصه supply of rated 33kv, outdoor , post type single pole voltage and current transformers. کشور اردن 1398/03/08 1398/04/12
1973270 مناقصه Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of LED Streetlights and Integrated Solar PV Standalone کشور اردن 1398/03/04 1398/03/30
1955871 مناقصه supply of 630A 3-phase 33 KV pole mounted autoreclosers کشور اردن 1398/02/26 1398/03/29
1954148 مناقصه supply of bolted tension strings for 150 mm2 aluminum alloy conductor کشور اردن 1398/02/25 1398/03/08
1938696 مناقصه supply of perforated and hot galvanized angles and c channels کشور اردن 1398/02/18 1398/03/22
1914265 مناقصه supply of outdoor distribution transformers کشور اردن 1398/02/05 1398/03/08
1914264 مناقصه rated 36kv expulsion type fuse links کشور اردن 1398/02/05 1398/03/08
1914258 مناقصه Corporate Reform Roadmap - Support in Financial Forecasting and Risk Management کشور اردن 1398/02/05 1398/02/25
1908147 مناقصه supply of cable stripping and cutting machine کشور اردن 1398/02/02 1398/03/01
1893042 مناقصه Implementation of the Corporate Governance Action Plan کشور اردن 1398/01/29 1398/02/18
1892176 مناقصه supply of bolted tension strings for 150 mm2 aluminum alloy conductor کشور اردن 1398/01/28 1398/02/25
1870671 مناقصه supply of rated 65 kn stay wire and galvanized bull dog clamps کشور اردن 1398/01/18 1398/02/18
1869021 مناقصه supply of galvanized tubular steel poles for the support of medium voltage electrical network کشور اردن 1398/01/17 1398/02/25
صفحه 18 از 19