کد هزاره | عنوان مناقصه | منطقه | درج | پایان | اسناد | وضعیت |
5902853 | مناقصه ITB Construction Contract for Small Works - Rehabilitation of the Existing Water Network and Construction of New House Connections in Sarieh District, Irbid-Lot 1 and Lot 2 | کشور اردن | 1401/08/10 | رجوع به آگهی |
3544066 | مناقصه Spare Parts For Power cabel & Rig lighting System | کشور اردن | 1399/10/23 | رجوع به آگهی |
2328754 | مناقصه Procurement of LED light lamp and Low Flow High-Efficiency Faucet Aerators | کشور اردن | 1398/07/23 | رجوع به آگهی |
2124015 | مناقصه Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of: LED Flood lights and Smart LED Streetlights System | کشور اردن | 1398/05/02 | 1398/05/16 |
1973270 | مناقصه Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of LED Streetlights and Integrated Solar PV Standalone | کشور اردن | 1398/03/04 | 1398/03/30 |
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